Some Classic Books on Teneriffe Lace
For inspiration from some traditional patterns look at some of these classic books.
There are many different styles of Teneriffe wheels and various instructions, but the basic patterns all translate from one wheel to another.
DMC Library Teneriffe Lace Work
http://archive.org/stream/teneriffelacewor00thde#mode/2upen français: http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/pub/PDF/6-SW005DMCTeneriffe.pdf
Teneriffe Lace Designs and Instructions, 1904
Proctor Teneriffe Lace, 1903
http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/pub/PDF/ProctorTeneriffe.pdfThe Home Art Book of Fancy Stitchery, 1912
http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/pub/PDF/6-EN003KlickmannFancy.pdfThesa Handarbeitsbuch
auf Deutsch: http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/pub/PDF/B-YS089.pdfA more contemporary book that includes a history of the lace, antique and modern patterns and modern instructions.
The Technique of Teneriffe Lace, Alexandra Stillwell, 1980, included in the Arizona archive by permission of the author
https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/books/sa1980.pdfHere is an entrance to the contemporary world of Sol laces such as Teneriffe and Nanduti.
Elizabeth Horta Correa, from Brazil, has been researching Sol laces and writes several inspiring blogs and Facebook pages.